Z0-5、7、9冲旋转式压片机主要用途:按GMP标准研制ZP-5、7、9三种机型替代单冲,供制药、食品、化工等科研单位实验室试制小批量生产,将各种颗粒状原料压制成圆片、异形片的***佳理想设备,外形不锈钢包装,工作室有机玻璃全开全闭的新型结构明亮透视,消除杂物无死角。该机体积小,重量轻,外观整洁,具有安全报警装置,吸尘性能齐全,噪音小等优点。 Develop ZP-5.7.9 three model according of GMP standard instead of single-punching ,offer such laboratories of RD institution as the pharmacy, food ,chemical to superss various kinds of paticles from grain to water and abnormity.Stainiess steel packaging of the apperance , operating room lucite all openen new-type incidentals. The machine has the advantages of little volume ,light weight, neat apperance ,safe warning device.,complete hoover performance ,low noises . 转动采用无级变频调速。 Rotaring adops stepless frequency conversion to adjust the speed . 国际冲模() 型号 5 7 9 ***大压片压力(kn) 40 40 40 ***大压片直径(mm) 12 12 12 ***大充填深度(mm) 15 15 15 ***剂厚度 6 6 6 转盘转速(r/min) 30 30 30 生产能力(pc/h) 9000 12600 16200 电机功率(kw) 1.5 1.5 1.5 外形尺寸(mm) 685X565X1610 666X860X1824 666X860X1824 主机重量(kg) 260 770